Delivery Services
Delivery Time - To Keep You Informed
Once you have placed an order, the Life Factor Team will proceed to confirm your order details, including shipping and delivery estimates for each item you ordered. Once your item has been prepared for shipment, you will be notified on the courier service provider and tracking information.
Shipping & Delivery Estimates
The ‘Shipment’ timeline is an estimate of when the item will be prepared for shipment and shipped from our warehouse. The items on your order will be shipped as they become available.
The ‘Delivers‘ timeline is an estimate of when the item will be delivered to your shipping address after it is shipped.
All estimates are based on working days.
When Can I Expect My Order?
Once your order has been handed over to the shipping partner for delivery, delivery will take 1-5 working days. All delivery lead times are estimated.
How Can I Track My Order?
As soon as your item(s) have been shipped, we will notify you of the courier service provider, tracking information and estimated delivery date. If you ordered multiple items, you may receive separate shipments, depending on availability.
What Time Will My Order Be Delivered?
Deliveries are made between 8 am and 5 pm.
You may check the estimated delivery date and time by online tracking of your order. LIFE FACTOR® and its shipping partners are unable to provide an exact time of delivery. We will not be able to make a call prior to delivery.
Can I Have My Order Delivered To An Address Other Than My Home?
For your convenience, you may prefer to have your order delivered to an alternative address such as your office address. If you choose to deliver to your office, please include the business name in the shipping address. Please note, if you select this option, deliveries may be left at the office reception.
Delivery to a PO Box is not permitted for security reasons.
Signature On Delivery
Most of our shipments contain valuable health supplements. If you will not be home to accept delivery of your product(s), do consider shipping them to someone you trust who will be able to sign for your package.
I Need To Change My Shipping Address
If you have not received your shipment notification and you wish to amend your shipping details, please contact LIFE FACTOR® Customer Service at 017-859 5705.
If your order is already in transit, please call us directly at 017-859 5705.
I Will Not Be Home On The Scheduled Delivery Date
Our shipping partner shall contact you directly to reschedule a new delivery appointment or alternatively, amend your delivery address.
How Much Am I Charged For Shipping?
We offer free shipping within Malaysia on all orders above RM 80. For international orders, we ship worldwide with applicable charges. If you wish to have your order shipped to any other countries besides those listed above, kindly contact us to enquire on the shipping charges for your order.
What Happens If My Delivery Goes Missing Or Is Damaged?
In case of any problems with your delivery, LIFE FACTOR® will be in direct contact with its shipping partner to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, with as little inconvenience to you as we can.
We will make every effort to contact you and keep you informed of the progress of our investigation and where appropriate, deliver a replacement. If you have already received your order and find that it is damaged, please contact us immediately at 017-859 5705.